Reduction of 48 % in regard to water needs.
Environmentally friendly practices.
More than 1000 hectares of organic farming.
Establishment of a vermicompost plant from waste.
At Viñas Familia Gil we work with native varieties acclimatized to their natural habitat. Their treatment and maintenance are carried out by environmentally friendly practices such as: Hand-harvesting, no use of pesticides, preventive treatments and biological pest control against plagues and vine diseases.
Organic certified production up to 60% in regard to the annual volume, aspiring to reach the 100% in the coming years. Through an innovative approach, combined with CEBAS-CSIC, Viñas Familia Gil has developed an experimental process with the goal of producing compost by reusing our own waste and converting it to organic fertilizer. By returning this valuable resource back to the vineyard we are closing our fertility loop and achieving sustainable soil management. 300,000 kg of compost are obtained with this technique and this amount is expected to double in the coming years.